Raising A Champion: Qualities To Look For In An AI Advocate 

Raising A Champion: Qualities To Look For In An AI Advocate 

As organizations turn to AI for improved efficiency and increased productivity, it becomes imperative for leaders to spot and nurture internal champions who can take the helm of their AI adoption. Such a champion is vital to bringing AI understanding to the workforce and ultimately bridging the gap between the organization and solutions providers.  

Here are four qualities leaders must look for in their AI champion: 

Tech-Savvy Advocate  

An AI champion is proficient not only in the latest AI innovations but also in the specific needs of their organization. Look for an individual who passionately advocates for technology and its data-driven solutions capable of solving complex organizational problems. This champion believes in the potential of analytics, automation, and smart learning in the overall refinement of operations.  

Cross-Departmental Overseer 

AI integration requires the expertise and cooperation of various departments across an organization. For this reason, an AI champion should be an effective manager who can oversee the multiple departments involved in the organization’s AI initiatives. From marketing and sales to operations and finance, an AI champion must understand the value of each team and be capable of assessing milestones throughout the AI adoption journey.  

A cross-departmental overseer expertly fosters collaboration and ensures the alignment between team goals and company objectives.  

Dynamic Learner 

AI adoption in an organization is a continuous process and thus requires the drive and zeal of a leader who can maintain momentum and motivate employees to have the same passion. The AI landscape is evolving, so it is crucial to have an AI champion eager to identify opportunities where AI can be implemented, learn about new developments, and experiment with emerging tools and processes. 

Compelling Communicator 

AI is often met with skepticism by employees who fear that major organizational changes alter or even displace their roles. Thus, successful AI adoption needs the effective communication of an AI champion. They must be able to craft compelling narratives that explain how AI solves business challenges and complements rather than threatens human workforce.  

This ability to convey the usefulness of AI while inspiring each employee to actively take part in the company’s AI future is critical. 

Identify Your Key AI Leader 

Any individual has the potential to become an AI champion, and embarking on a journey to become one can be transformative, writes Karan Sachedava, Global Business Development Leader, Strategic Partnerships at IBM, bringing numerous benefits to one’s career and the organization’s bottom line. But it takes a forward-thinking organization to raise one. Encourage employees to be advocates for AI by opening opportunities for them to be more immersed in the AI revolutions happening globally. Doing so will surely lead an organization closer to finding their AI champion.  


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