Marketing Game Changer: When AI Writes Like A Human 

Marketing Game Changer

One of the simplest yet most exciting advancements in marketing is content creation powered by artificial intelligence (AI). ChatGPT, Gemini, Perplexity AI, and other functions are helping marketers personalize and generate content at scale. They also automate repetitive tasks, freeing workers to focus more on strategy. 

These use cases, however, barely scratch the surface. AI can perform more realistic abilities, including hearing, speaking, comprehension, and movement. 

What Makes AI Write Like Humans 

Even in the early stages, AI text generators have demonstrated their capacity to produce coherent prose. They can follow grammatical conventions, imitating or breaking them on command, according to Laura Hartenberger, a faculty member at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). 

Hartenberger notes that this prowess has been cultivated by training AI programs on vast databases of human texts, including books and websites. 

Specifically, it stems from the capability of AI systems known as machine learning. ML detects and extrapolates new patterns as we add to its current integrated collection of facts and relationships. It allows machines to excel at making predictions. These predictions might appear straightforward for businesses at present, but the real impact they will have on the future remains uncertain.  

AI Empathizes With Consumers 

Besides writing, natural language processing (NLP) has enhanced other facets of AI-human interactions. And NLP will likely continue to advance, allowing AI systems to better understand, interpret, and generate human language as it’s written and spoken.  

Some examples include Replika, an empathetic AI chatbot that engages people in conversations and acts as their companion. It learns from its owners’ behavior and tailors its responses to develop a personalized conversational style over time. There is also Conversica, which provides AI virtual assistants for sales, marketing, and customer support teams to engage customers via chat, email, or SMS. 

Consumers are increasingly adopting these AI technologies to reduce repetitive tasks while improving the user experience (UX).  

Vision Interprets Real-World Information 

Vision is the ability of machines to interpret and understand visual information from the real world. It makes sense of clean-slate images and videos, automating tasks that the human visual system can naturally do. 

This field of AI and ML encompasses a wide range of applications, including facial recognition, emotion detection, scene understanding, and image generation. Unlike language-based tasks, these applications have more intuitive names that directly describe what they do. 

For example, scene understanding can analyze images or videos to identify the context in which products or brands are featured. Marketers can use this data to place advertisements in relevant contexts or create more targeted campaigns that resonate with the audience’s interests or surroundings. 

Predicting the Future 

In addition, AI algorithms are used in predictive analytics, which analyzes historical data to predict future behaviors and trends. AI can figure out what people might buy and how the market might change. It can also predict whether new customers will increase or decrease their future spending based on initial purchase data. 

Weaving It All Together 

CMOs and enterprise marketing departments must embrace these human-like AI capabilities and learn how to optimize them. Using AI will help them scale their business, enabling them to take on more work. It will also enable them to create more persuasive emails, ads, scripts, and web pages and connect more effectively to the right people.  

Bringing AI into marketing also signifies the commitment not only to selling products or services but also to building trust with customers. That trust occurs when people know they can get exactly what they need from a business.  

Marketers need to embrace AI technologies and consider how to incorporate them into their workflow to increase efficiency and create better engagements with their target audience. 


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