10 Reasons Why Humans Still Matter in AI B2B Marketing


2023 has been nothing short of a revolutionary whirlwind, witnessing the relentless infiltration of AI reshaping every corner of our marketing universe. AI has certainly grabbed the spotlight for the ever-evolving world of B2B marketing. It’s like having a super-smart marketing assistant who can develop ideas and create content better than you can, produce images from a simple text description, produce video at record speed, crunch numbers, predict trends, and automate tasks faster than you can say “ROI.”  

At Scienz AI, we are deeply involved with AI tools and continuously expanding our knowledge. Each day, we strive to enhance our ability to make the most of AI opportunities while gaining insights into its challenges. 

A recent study by Harvard Business School found that Boston Consulting Group (BCG) consultants using ChatGPT-4 significantly outperformed those who did not use it across 18 real-world tasks. These included creative, analytical, writing, marketing, and persuasiveness tasks. The study found that the BCG consultants using AI completed 12.2% more tasks while doing it 25.1% faster. They also produced results over 40% higher quality than those not using AI.  

But here’s the scoop: AI, as unique as it is, can’t do it all. We’re here to discuss why the human touch is still crucial in B2B marketing, especially with AI. 

AI Without You 

Let’s start with a feasible marketing scenario. 

In this hypothetical marketing scenario, a B2B SaaS company, let’s call them TechStream, relied exclusively on AI automation for their product launch without integrating the essential human touch. And why not? The advanced AI-powered marketing tools promised efficiency and streamlined processes. However, the consequences of this automated approach were significant. 

The absence of human personalization led to generic, impersonal marketing campaigns that failed to resonate with TechStream’s diverse customer base. Customer engagement plummeted as automated responses felt robotic and lacked the empathy for meaningful interactions. This disconnect resulted in missed opportunities to adapt to emerging market trends and decreased conversion rates, ultimately affecting the company’s bottom line. 

Moreover, TechStream’s brand perception suffered as customers perceived the company as unresponsive, and negative feedback and reviews began to pile up on social media. Yikes. The lack of human oversight also led to ethical oversights, causing social media controversies and damaging the brand’s reputation. Additionally, the AI’s inability to adapt to unforeseen events, such as economic downturns, hindered TechStream’s ability to effectively adjust marketing strategies and pricing. 

This scenario highlights the importance of balancing AI automation with the human touch in marketing. While AI can offer efficiency and data-driven insights, it cannot replace the creativity, empathy, adaptability, and ethical judgment human marketers bring to the table. Striking the proper equilibrium between AI and human involvement is essential for building genuine customer relationships, maintaining brand integrity, and seizing opportunities for growth and innovation. 

Now, let’s move on to where we need to work with AI to avoid problems like the above scenario. 

Why AI Needs You 

Context Matters: AI is excellent with data but can miss the subtle nuances of B2B marketing’s intricate landscape. Take, for example, a marketing professional in the cybersecurity industry. They know cybersecurity trends can change rapidly, influenced by global events and emerging threats. An AI system might miss the context, but a human marketer would spot it and adjust their strategy accordingly. 

Creativity Rules: AI can crunch numbers like a champ, but when it comes to creative content, it’s like asking your calculator to write a poem. Consider a software company launching a new product. Crafting a compelling and creative product launch campaign that resonates with the target audience requires human creativity, understanding customer pain points, and the ability to tell a compelling story. 

Ethical Eyes: Sometimes, AI can unintentionally carry biases from its training data, leading to sticky ethical situations. For instance, an AI-powered content generator might inadvertently produce biased or offensive content. Human marketers can spot these biases and ensure our marketing efforts are fair and inclusive by reviewing and refining AI-generated content. 

Adaptation is Key: Marketing is like a whirlwind – trends change, platforms evolve, and new tech pops up all the time. Consider the swift emergence of TikTok as a marketing platform. AI might not keep pace with these rapid shifts, but we humans are agile and can adjust strategies to incorporate new platforms and trends. 

Emotional Connection: Building trust and connections with B2B clients often requires a personal touch. AI doesn’t have the capability to express empathy like we can. Think of a B2B salesperson building rapport with a long-term client. Understanding their needs, providing tailored solutions, and offering a genuine connection comes naturally to humans. 

Quality Check: While AI can automate tasks, it’s not always a pro at aligning content with a brand’s voice and values. Take a look at a global fashion brand. AI can help automate social media posts, but it takes a human eye to ensure the content aligns with the brand’s image and values. 

Big Decisions: Marketing involves some complex decisions – the kind that goes beyond data crunching. Consider a B2B marketing manager deciding to rebrand the company. It’s a multifaceted decision involving long-term brand reputation, market positioning, and customer perception, all needing that human touch. 

Creative Problem-Solving: Marketing throws curveballs – unforeseen challenges, crises, you name it. Think about a marketing team dealing with a sudden PR crisis. Our human knack for creative problem-solving and adaptability shines in these high-pressure situations as we craft strategies to address the crisis and rebuild trust. 

Customer Love: Nurturing relationships with B2B clients calls for personalized interactions and a deep understanding of their unique needs. Consider a technology consulting firm. AI might handle initial inquiries, but human consultants build trust by offering tailored solutions, understanding client pain points, and fostering long-term partnerships. 

Seeing the Big Picture: Setting the grand strategy, aligning marketing with long-term business goals, and making those pivotal strategic decisions – that’s where our human leadership and vision come into play. Think about a marketing director crafting a five-year marketing plan to support a company’s expansion into new markets. It requires a deep understanding of business objectives and market dynamics beyond AI’s capabilities. 

AI + Humans = Marketing Magic 

In a nutshell, AI is a fantastic tool that turbocharges B2B marketing. But let’s remember that our unique human qualities – our creativity, empathy, adaptability, and ethical compass – make marketing magic happen. Combining AI’s prowess with our human touch allows us to conquer marketing challenges, build lasting relationships, and drive growth. AI can bring speed, new ideas, and fantastic productivity, but remember that human marketers like us will continue to bring the heart and soul to B2B marketing.  


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