AI Chrome Extension that creates detailed process guides based on user activity.
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In 1 sentence, what does this tool do?
Scribe is an AI Chrome Extension that will follow your movement in a task and create a step-by-step process guide of that task.
What problems does it solve?
Aids in the creation of accurate training materials and process documentation, enhancing knowledge sharing.
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How does this tool help your team?
If someone asks them how they did something, they can scribe it and provide the exact step by step process and it’s captured as a part of the process that we can collect in case anyone else needs a guide. We don’t currently use this, but we should and could use it more across the operational teams.
What do you like/ dislike about this tool?
It does not show you why you would take the next step or if there is an alternative process if you must do something slightly different based on the tasks you’re doing.
What tips do you have for beginner users?
Labeling the guide with the exact process you are performing and stop scribing if the next step could be multiple options. – I have taken a demo of this tool, but we do not currently have it in our tech stack. It would be nice to include it though!
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